New plants are being introduced all the time. If you’re getting ready to do some planting, check out these 12 amazing plants that come from DOWN Under. These awesome Australian natives are low maintenance if you plant the right plant in the right spot. All featured plants like moderate to low water and full to part sun, check out their specifics.
Ok, mates, here we go. Enjoy!
1. Acacia cultriformis (Pea Family)

Tree: Acacia cultriformis + Cordyline ‘Design a Line Burgundy’ + Aeonium + Euphorbia. SF, CA.
Acacia cultriformis (Knifeleaf Acacia) – Reliably cold hardy to 20°F. This small often multi-trunked tree has interesting triangular gray-green leaves and lovely drooping branches. Fragrant yellow rounded flowers form in clusters in spring. Size: 15′ h x 15′ w. Exposure: Full sun to part sun. Water: Drought tolerant once established. Good drainage a must.
2. Adenothos sericeus (Protea Family)

Adenanthos sericeus, Sutro Gardens. SF, CA.
Adenanthos sericeus (Coast Woollybush.) Hardy to 20-25 degrees. This sturdy tree/small shrub thrives with salt air and wind at the coast. Striking, soft to the touch silky leaves and bright red blossoms at various times of the year. Much resemblance to the related Grevilleas. Size: 6 – 10′ h x 4 – 6′ w. Water: Drought tolerant once established. No heavy soils.
Adenanthos x cunninghamii – (Albany Woollybush.) (Photo coming) Hardy to 20-25 degrees. A sprawling, densely-branched mounding shrub from Western Australia with soft, silvery, blue-green flattened foliage with a nice flush of pink toward the tips. Size: 3 – 6’h x 4 -7 w. Exposure: Full sun in a well-drained soil. Water: Drought tolerant once established. Note: A nice low plant for a rock garden or mixed Mediterranean climate garden – A very useful plant in seacoast conditions.
3. Anigozanthos – Kangaroo Paws (Bloodwart Family)

Tall yellow Kangaroo Paws. Berkeley, CA.
Anigozanthos – (Kangaroo Paws.) Hardy to 20-25 F. These grass-like herbaceous perennials form dense clumps of iris like leaves. Available sizes: SHORT – MEDIUM – TALL. Flower colors range from pink, yellow, golden, red, green, orange and mixed. Bloom time: Spring to Fall. Exposure: Full sun with good drainage. Water: Drought tolerant once established. Kangaroo Paws make good container plants but be sure to use a light/ fluffy potting mix.
4. Banksia – (Protea Family)

Banksia in February flower. SF Bot Garden.

Banksia flower.
Banksia – These Protea family plants range from trees and shrubs. Some grow prostrate or upright some are sparse or bushy and have simple or partially divided leaves. Flowers are striking? A dense ball-shaped to cylindrical flower clusters, often in odd shades (above) of gold to brown. Exposure: Sun. Water: Occasional deep watering once established. Learn more about Protea plants Here.
5. Boronia megastigma ‘Jack Maguire’s Red’ (Rue family)

Boronia ‘Jack Maguire’s Red’ SF, CA.
Boronia ‘Jack Maguire’s Red’ – Red Boronia. Hardy to at least 20 ° F. This small shrub to 3 feet tall has soft needle-like foliage with sweet bell shaped flowers in winter to early spring. Both foliage and flowers are fragrant – excellent addition to a cut flower bouquet. Plant in full sun in a very well-drained soil and irrigate regularly. Unfortunately, Boronia species aren’t long lived. 🙁
6. Calothamnus (Myrtle Family)
Calothamnus gracilis ‘Spring Torch’ (Slender Net Bush.). Hardy to at least 28° F. This is a very attractive, small evergreen shrub to use as an accent in your garden. Why? The new growth is outstanding in spring – a fiery red-orange color. The rest of the year this sweetheart has narrow upright gray-green leaves. The flowers are unusual, but not showy. Size: 2’h x 3’w. Exposure: Full sun to part shade. Water: Drought tolerant once established.
7. Cordyline ‘Design a Line Burgundy’ (Asparagus family)

Cordyline ‘Design A Line Burgundy’ San Francisco, CA
Cordyline ‘Design A Line Burgundy’ (Design-A-Line Burgundy Cordyline) Zones: 9 – 11. Clumping with fine textured weeping burgundy foliage with tiny fragrant flowers in summer. Water: moderate. Size: 3′ high x 3′ wide. See more Cordylines here.
8. Correa (Rue Family)

Correa in February flower.
Correa – Australian Fuchsias are widespread in Australia. Here, you can enjoy lovely flowering from fall to early or mid-spring with these low maintenance (quiet beauty oriented) shrubs. Though there are several varieties with different habits and sizes, expect all to have abundant bell shaped hanging flowers. Colors range from salmon, pink, red, white to chartreuse, and sometimes attractively bi-colored. Exposure: Sun to part shade. Water: Low to moderate with good drainage. Note: Correas are a wonderful plant choice for dry shade!
9. Grevillea ‘Long John’ (Protea Family)

Grevillea ‘Long John’ Mill Valley. CA.
Grevillea ‘Long John’ – USDA zones: 9 – 11. A rounded and upright evergreen shrub with long needle-like foliage. Large, brush-like clusters of long and curved, dark pink and orange flowers.
Size: 8 – 12′ high and wide. Exposure: full sun. Water: Drought tolerant once established.
Grevillea ‘Red Hooks’

Grevillea ‘Red Hooks’ SF, CA

Grevillea ‘Red Hooks’ SF, CA
Grevillea ‘Red Hooks’ – USDA zones: 9 – 11. An upright evergreen shrub with flattened and deeply cut, sawtooth-like foliage. Showy brush-like clusters of long and curved, bright red flowers. Takes well to shearing, excellent for screening. Size: 6 – 8’h x 6 -12’w. Exposure: Full sun. Water: Drought tolerant once established.
10. Lomandra longifolia ‘Breeze’ (Asparagus family)

Lomandra ‘Breeze’ San Francisco Bot Garden.
Lomandra longifolia ‘Breeze’
A versatile ornamental grass-like plant with yellow flower heads in spring. A great alternative for shrubs and ground covers. Excellent for mass plantings. Extremely drought tolerant when established. Performs well in sand or clay soils. Tolerates heavy frost and hot and/or humid conditions. Evergreen till about 15 degrees. Size: 2-3′ h x 2′ w. Exposure: Full sun to part shade.
11. Westringia ‘Blue Gem’ (Mint Family)

Westringia ‘Blue Gem (right) with ‘Coleonema ‘Sunset Gold’ (left). Berkeley, CA.
Westringia ‘Blue Gem’ – (Blue Gem Coast Rosemary.) USDA zones: 9 – 10. An evergreen shrub that forms an upright, rounded mound. Rosemary-like leaves are linear and silver-green. Small, violet-blue, star-shaped flowers bloom year round. Adaptable to pruning; excellent low hedge. Size: 6 -7’h x 5- 6’w. Exposure: Full sun to light shade. Water: Low to moderate.
12. Isopogon formosus (Protea Family)

Isopogon formosus in February flower. SF Bot Gardens.
Isopogon formosus – (Drumsticks.) USDA zones: 9 – 11. An evergreen shrub with finely divided, thread-like foliage. In the late winter and spring, spiky and rounded flower heads appear in purple-pink. Size: 4 – 6′ h x 3 – 4′ w. Exposure: Full sun to light shade. Water: Moderate.
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Happy Gardening!
Where to Buy Australian Plants?
We’ve included our Amazon and Etsy links for the following plants described in our post:
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