If you’re looking for some trailing plant choices to add greenery – maybe even a splash of flower color to your wall, here are 7 excellent options! These evergreen options will give all season coverage, providing interest, character and clothing even on the bleakest winter days!
Of course, there are plenty more trailing options than these (and that means more posts on this topic), but for now, here is a short post with several lovelies for you to consider. Enjoy!
1. Russelia equisetiformis
Russelia equisetiformis – Firecracker Plant (Figwort Family.) USDA Zones: 9 – 11. Weeping green fine textured leaveless stems make this an excellent for spilling over a wall. Clusters of scarlet tubular flowers (look like small firecrackers) provide reliable color spring through fall. Habit: Slender, rush-like stems start out erect, then fall over into long, showy cascades. Great for training on a trellis, accenting a border, or spilling out of a tall container. Semi-evergreen. Bloom: red + long bloom time. ‘Flamingo Park’ – has paler pink flowers. Size: 4-5′ h x 4-5’w. Exposure: Sun or shade. For best blooms, provide at least 4 hours sun. Growth rate: fast. Water: Medium.
2. Trailing Rosemary
3. Lotus berthelotii
4. Lantana montevidensis
5. Lantana camera ‘Radiation’
6. Pelargonium peltatum
7. Glechoma hederacea ‘Variegata’
Wishing you and your loved ones a very Happy 2020!
Happy Gardening!
We’ve included our Amazon and Etsy links to the plants listed in this post:
Also of interest:
Plant Spotlight: Why Pink Cigar Plant (Cuphea cyanea) is Amazing
Spotlight: Flowering Cherry Trees and Why they Made our Tree List!