Holiday time is upon us and festive annual color is due to start popping in. It’s sort of a seasonal ritual. Who can stop themselves from indulging in color as each day gets shorter and colder as we head towards December 22, the shortest day of the year.
Here are the Top Annual Flowers Carried in Many Nurseries:

- Pansies
- Mums
- Violas
- Cyclamen
- Stock
- Primrose
- Begonia
- Colored foliage: Pointsettias, Ornamental Kale (cabbage)

Plant Early to Get Bang for your Buck
To get the greatest bang for your buck, plant these early. Why? If you live in Northern California, where the rainy season is six months (where is the rain?), many of these annuals could rot and melt away in cold, rainy soil. Violas are an excellent choice! Enduring much longer – perhaps until February or March. They may also set seed, giving you more violas next year.
If your plants have a little protection, for example, in containers under the eves, then rainfall is less of an issue. In a garden bed, as time goes by (post holiday season) many annuals may start to look like their best days are behind them.
So plant early for several months of enjoyment. The holiday season is festive, and having a little ritual plant color is sweet. 🙂 What do you do for the holidays? How do you make your garden or containers look festive? Any favorite annuals this time of year?

Happy Gardening,
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