Short Fence Love! The short fence interests me particularly because the community feel still exists, as does the interplay between public and private. With a short fence, the home’s boundaries are clearly delineated and in place, while at the same time, the home garden’s aliveness and personality are still there – and sometimes – for […]
12 Cool Australian Plants for your California Garden
New plants are being introduced all the time. If you’re getting ready to do some planting, check out these 12 amazing plants that come from DOWN Under. These awesome Australian natives are low maintenance if you plant the right plant in the right spot.
Happy New Year and the Start to 365 Days of Gardening Opportunities!
If you’re reading this today it’s January 1, 2018: Happy New Year and I hope for you a lovely start to 365 days of gardening opportunities. I’m thinking with a full year ahead of us, sky is the limit as to what can be done in your garden, it’s just mapping it out, and going for it.
Tree Spotlight: Crataegus laevigata ‘Paul’s Scarlet’ – Paul’s Scarlet English Hawthorn
The scale of this tree is perfect for a small garden and here it is growing as a street tree, facing south, receiving the full sun it loves! Crataegus laevigata ‘Paul’s Scarlet’ is a round headed deciduous tree.
What is this? A Modern Geometric Planter!
Reminding me of high school geometry – planters typically come in many geometric shapes. Square pots, rectangular planters, round… These are the most common.So when I drove by this uniquely shaped geometric planter, I parked – and paid this unique container garden a proper visit. The cool shape was the first thing that struck me…
This Two Plant Combo Creates a Memorable Vignette!
For me, this small front garden using just two plants has me thinking about a scene in nature. Here in California it could be a grassy meadow with an oak tree (see the photo below.) So when I saw this, my associative mind was excited by the representation. But I was also excited by the 2-plant choices.
Heat Up your Garden Design with Red Garden Accents
When done right Red heats up like no other color in the garden. This fiery color, has the ability to move your eye towards it, and in a small garden setting this is especially powerful. HOW DOES THE COLOR RED AFFECTS YOU PHYSICALLY?
1. Increases enthusiasm. 2. Stimulates energy and can increase blood pressure, respiration, heartbeat, and pulse rate. 3.Encourages action and confidence.
Elating Early Blooming Trees: Magnolia and Flowering Plums
Magnolias and flowering plums steel the show in February and March. These early blooming trees can easily be the envy of your neighbors. What are we looking at exactly? Some of the show stoppers featured in this post are flowering plums, saucer and star magnolias.
Small Garden? Try an Espaliered Multi-Budded Apple Tree!
Where garden space is limited but appetite is not, one clever idea is to consider a space saving techniques like espalier. What does it mean to espalier you ask?
Definition: (verb) To train a tree or shrub to grow flat against a wall.
Believe it or not you can buy many kinds of fruit trees (apples yes!) already trained as espaliers and ready to plant in the ground or in a container.
When that Plant Makes Your House Shine!
I wanted to show you a few photos taken within the past year that are good examples of how combining plants with home architecture can reap lovely rewards.
Sometimes, and in a small front garden, the dominant focal point may be simply a flowering tree as you’ll see below. I think that seasonality plays a huge role here, especially if you are looking for that flowering magnolia or flowering cherry.